2023 October Annual Meeting

On Thursday, October 19, the Garden Club was pleased to welcome Karin Pyskaty, current president of the Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, to its annual meeting to preside at its installation of officers. The membership had voted in May to re-elect the current officers for another two-year term.  Joanne McKendry, Norma Jean Macauto, Sheila Stamboni and Dianne Mariano were installed as President, Vice-president, Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. Karin presented each officer with a symbolic key and words of wisdom for their roles.  The officers are looking forward to serving the membership in the coming year.  The Club awarded an outstanding service award to Laura Vogler-Marston and a certificate of lifetime achievement to Gail and Don Winkley. The meeting room was decked out in lovely autumn colors and the hostesses set out some very tasty treats.  Members showed great creativity in their pumpkin-themed artistic exhibits and some members still had beautiful dahlias, sedum, and mums from their gardens to display as horticultural exhibits.