January Meeting Exhibits

For our meeting on January 16, 2020, the artistic exhibit theme was “Winter Fairyland” – a reflective design using fresh and/or dried materials. The Horticultural exhibit was evergreen branches, 12 inch minimum length, 20 inch maximum length.

Holiday Party

On December 12, 2019, members of the Garden Club gathered with friends (including three fellow-gardeners from the Redding Garden Club) to celebrate the season at its annual holiday luncheon. Music during the event was provided by the SJK Jazz ensemble. A good time was had by all. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year, everyone.

FGCCT 2019 Awards

On October 30, 2019, Club President Joanne McKendry and Corresponding Secretary Norma Jean Macauto attended the annual Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut awards luncheon. The Garden Club of Brookfield was pleased to be awarded the Mary Freng Sherley Memorial Award for Excellence in Horticulture for its programs last year following the May 2018 macro-burst. The Club also received a Certificate of Achievement for its Garden Therapy program at the Brookfield Senior Center. Many thanks to our members and friends, whose support and contributions make our programs possible. Congratulations, too, to the many CT garden clubs that received awards and recognition at the luncheon.